Media Kit and Logo

Photos of Debbie Goettel

Select any image to access a full-resolution copy. To download the full resolution copy, click any image to expand, then right click and save the image to your computer.

Photos may be used freely for press and other purposes referencing the campaign.

Campaign logos

Logo without word “Elect”

Uses: General references to the campaign. If logo must be used on a dark background, use this.

Debbie Goettel for Hennepin County Commissioner logo

Logo with word “Elect”

Uses: Campaign signs, rally signs. Do not use on a dark background.

Debbie Goettel for Hennepin County Commissioner logo with elect text

Campaign colors

(RGB: 20, 69 ,142)

(RGB: 193, 32, 38)

(RGB: 253, 247, 1)